Monday, January 16, 2012

MLK JR. Then and Now

Yes Martin Luther King Jr. accomplished winning the battle in the Civil Rights Act.  So many more were involved at that time, that we forget about.  I'm not here to mainly discuss the past per say.  I am merely reflected on the past and the present including the future.  What happened?  A man who lead the fight by the name of Martin Luther King Jr. died as a martyr.  One who dies for a cause or specifically sacrifices one's self for a higher purpose than just accolades.  I recently spoke to my cousin on this very fact.  His argument was because of MLK Jr. we now as African Americans have BET or better known as Black Entertainment Television, we now have a so called "Black President" and we also have phenomenal "Ball" players! Yes that is very true by all means; I salute those who have been able to contract with professional ball associations.  I also salute the President even with is critically acclaimed strategy, I even salute the Television channel.  But that isn't good enough!  My argument was that because of Dr. MLK Jr we do have the opportunity to progress.  But as we all know even Hispanics will say that the "Black" race is lazy, they feel they should receive more.  It could be true but Dr. King did not intend for "Us" to feel entitled he meant for us to push harder, Learn more, work longer to drive the "nail in the coffin" so to speak. It was our duty to take the open door and run through it.  We allowed Planned parenthood into our communities which President Obama Supports.  This system is just that, one which is designed to allow for abortion.  Did you know that we African American people have the highest abortion rate.  Caucasian people support the" birth" of illegitimate by offering adoption.  Simply, Abortion "black" adoption "white".  We as "Black People" have made more babies and killed more babies than "White People".  The fact that we carelessly impregnate our young women, leave and then allow the "System" to tell us to "abort" the baby, was not Dr. Kings DREAM! I repeat killing our own kind by the hand of the System was not Dr. Kings DREAM!  President Obama should be ashamed of himself.  Sell Outs are Sell Outs I don't care what color you are, creed , race, or any other form of Human!  A Locomotive needs power or fuel, it needs momentum to continue running.  We as African American People have dropped the ball seeing that we all want to be Ball Players (sarcastically speaking), we have forgotten the dream... For Equal living, employment, and life.  The fact that "White America" allowed so many privileges to us including bad ones like Welfare, Planned Parenthood, and other social outlets which exploits our impoverished state; it was our duty or should I say our Due Diligence to support the growth in education, employment, and well being in our communities.  Check out Urban Renewal , Modern Black Genocide, We are not to blame the 'White Man" any more yes it was their plan, but it was our duty to be wise and not fall into temptation or the "Wiles" of the "Devil"!  Evil lurks and majority of us follow because we will sell our soul for a piece of bread.  Black people we are a lazy group, we are ridiculed around the World and yet we care only about ourselves, our pockets. We lack African American Doctors, Lawyers, Scientists, Teachers, Bankers, and etc. the list goes on.  Instead of one "black" person or should I say of color; because society still looks upon "My" kind the dark skinned as a detriment; it should be multiple awards going forth at one time.  What have we done? Where are We in this life? What is to come about? I can tell you with Divorce at an ultimate high in the Black community, Abortion, and Homosexual activity we are dying off at an alarming fast pace! I predict in a Hundred years the Black Race will be extinct in a America! We have the highest stats in ball games, and we have the highest stats in death, murder, drugs, criminal activity, and etc.  Was this the Dream Dr. King envisioned I don't believe so! Wake up and look at reality and stop Dreaming Dr. kings Dream, and start living it!   A piece done by Michael McCray, Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther king Jr. Thank You, Dr. King

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